Fortune Teller Tours

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  • Country: Myanmar
  • Theme: Culture/Religion
  • Duration: Full Day
  • Accommodation: Not Included
  • Meal: Included
  • Transportation: Included
  • Product Code: INS-MN28

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2 pers. or more $105.00
3 pers. or more $104.00
4 pers. or more $104.00
5 pers. or more $81.00

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Religion has always been very important for the Burmese and apart from paying respect to Buddha there are many different ways to try to give your body and soul a bit more "peace of mind", to build up karma or to gain some direction on what to do or what to avoid in life. During this full day tour the principles of meditation are explained to you at one of the famous meditation centres. A foot massage is given in a school for blind people before a traditional lunch. You will get some deeper insight in the Burmese traditional medicine at a local medicine shop and find out the secret of the beautiful Burmese skin. End the day with a visit to a fortune-teller who will read your palm. Oh ... and today's lunch is vegetarian!
The rest of the day the car and guide are available for additional visits until 6 pm if desired.

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