Angkor Explorer Tours

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  • Country: Cambodia
  • Theme: Culture/Religion
  • Duration: Full Day
  • Accommodation: Not Included
  • Transportation: Included
  • Product Code: INS-CM10

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2 pers. or more $89.00
3 pers. or more $82.00
4 pers. or more $82.00
5 pers. or more $74.00

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Angkor is visually breathtaking and is one of the most important archaeological sites in South-East Asia, if not the world. Stretching over some 400km, Angkor Archaeological Park contains the magnificent remains of the various capitals of the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 15th century. Visit the South Gate of Angkor Thom and the temples of Bayon - known for their serene faces, Baphoun, Phimean Akas, The Royal Enclosure, Terrace of Elephants and Leper King. The afternoon is set aside to take in the famous Angkor Wat – the grandest and largest of the Khmer monuments. Finish your day with a stunning sunset on the top of Bakheng Hill, where you can see the panoramic views of the temple of Angkor Wat and the whole Angkor Heritage site.

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