Cycle Around Siem Reap Tours

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  • Country: Cambodia
  • Theme: Cycling
  • Duration: Full Day
  • Accommodation: Not Included
  • Transportation: Included
  • Product Code: INS-CM13

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2 pers. or more $90.00
3 pers. or more $79.00
4 pers. or more $79.00
5 pers. or more $0.00

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Today you will learn to cook a few of the signature dishes of a local Cambodian family and take a leisurely bike ride in the srok srai Khmer (Cambodian countryside). In the morning we go shopping at a local market and cycle to the host family's house in the countryside to start cooking the dishes, which we'll enjoy together with the family during lunch. We ride through rice fields and small villages. If you are interested you can stop and pay a visit to some of these traditional Khmer houses and pagodas or chat with the local people over a refreshing sugar-cane juice before cycling back to Siem Reap town.

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